Via one TV raised differently anointed differently 2023 World Prophecy part two amen and the First Nation I’m talking about [Music] I’m going to be prophesying about yes it’s Kenya amen Kenya amen Kenya that says the Lord yes to William Ruto the president of Kenya amen if you do
Good yes you do it for your children amen and if you do bad yes you do it also for your children amen the way you rule your country during your presidency yes will determine the future of your children amen say yes the Lord amen if you rule with righteousness your children will be blessed by the Lord but if you rule with wickedness and forsake the ways of the Lord yes yes then your children will suffer the consequences of your sins
You are a great man say yes the Lord and you are a people’s person yes but you need more favor from the Lord Almighty amen for the people to stand with you yes and for wealth and prosperity to return to you your government and the people of Kenya the Lord says you need more favor therefore if you humble yourself yes and go on your knees before God in your closet yes and ask God for divine favor the Lord said his favor will be released upon you
And his Blessing will return back unto you your government and the people of Kenya amen in the year 2023 the enemy will attack you with stomach ache and Bloated tummy and there will be occasions also where you will develop lost of appetites loss of appetite but it is not the will of the Lord amen it is a demonic attack yes from the camp of the devil amen I saw you complaining of leg pain
William Ruto the president of Kenya I saw you complaining of leg pain in the realm of the spirit and the spirit of God says specifically yes it will come to your left leg the pain will come to your left leg specifically so prayer needs to be offered for you against this demonic attacks amen ready to get to a point in prayer is not offered you will also develop a swollen feet a swollen feet in your left leg Amen in your left leg
Therefore the spirit of God says I must tell you the president of Kenya is not to be walking bare feet at home amen or even in your office don’t walk bare feet unless if you are in bed amen unless if you are in bed amen and you are resting or you are going to sleep but if you are at home or even in your office yes don’t walk bare feet not say as the Lord amen otherwise there is a demonic projection I have seen in the realm of the spirit which will attack
Your left leg it will pain you and it will get swollen but it is not the will of God for you and therefore the direction yes to divert this demonic attack on your leg is prayer amen and not walking barefoot amen I saw a demonic attack yes on your marriage the spirit of confusion and misunderstanding between you and your wife and the purpose of it is to ensure that you and your wife will go your separate ways that will bring
Divorce shame and embarrassment to your presidency so take note that this is what the devil is bringing this is what the enemy is bringing and therefore when you begin to experience that kind of feeling and misunderstanding you rise up quickly and you pray and you forgive each other Amen in Jesus mighty name amen for Madame first lady of Kenya I saw you complaining of stomach ache I saw you complaining of stomach ache and the spirit of God says You must learn to
Talk less amen you must learn to talk less and also be very appreciative of the things your husband does for you amen it will bring a lot of peace and it will go a long way Amen to solidify the relationship and the union you have amen between you and your husband amen be very appreciative of the things your husband does for you and also talk less I saw a demonic attack that was projected in the realm of the spirit yes and it was connected to your business or
To your shop and this demonic projection I saw in the realm of the spirit it has to do with the enemy yes coming to release a thesis on their feces at your place of work to ensure that in the realm of the spirit people are scattered far away from patronizing your business so if you have men of God yes and you have pastors that are standing with you in prayer yes there is every need for this man of God to touch amen the ground amen and offer
Prayer yes and pour oil and make decrease and declarations because in the realm of the spirit there’s something that has been released yes like physics the purpose is to chase people away from patronizing your business amen the spirit of God said there are evil spirits that have located you in the Realms of the spirit because of the position you occupy as the President of Kenya that’s why sometimes you feel something moving in your body these are
Evil projects actions by your opponents to take the presidency away from you by death but not physically but through spiritual and demonic attacks there is also an evil charm there is also an evil term that has been buried in your yard that has been buried in your yard but there is definitely an evil charm that has been buried in your yard to ensure you do not finish your presidency alive so the battle is not yet over even after you have won
You have been sworn in and you have entered into the office of presidency yes the battle from your opponents are not over hey man if it doesn’t hit you what has been projected or what has been buried in your compound if it does not hit you to ensure that you don’t finish your presidency it will hit someone in your household with untimely deaf so prayer is needed in the State House
And in your compound amen very very important 2023 yes I see unfortunate events happening in Kenya like gunshots that will lead to Bloodshed numerous Road accidents that will lead to bloodshed I saw chaos leading to Bloodshed chaos and confusion misunderstanding his various towns and communities also leading to Bloodshed I saw accidents leading to Bloodshed and therefore the Lord said prompt my people and prompted
The church in Kenya to rise up and pray for the peace and safety of the people of Kenya in the year 2023. hey may God bless his word amen amen and amen amen Uganda Uganda Uganda and you worry Musa Veni the Ugandan president that says the Lord yes and I see your downfall and I see a big shame come in ahead of you
Even though you have it all there is coming a time you will be in need of the wealth you have and the world you boast about today and therefore the Lord said don’t boast about what you have acquired don’t boast and don’t brag about what you have and what you have acquired because there is going to come a time you’ll be in need of the very things you are boasting about today amen you’re wearing museveni I also saw stomach ache and I also saw chest pain
And difficulty in breathing for the president of Uganda when are you going to listen to The Cry of the people and retire and step down that says the Lord to the president of Uganda the Lord put a question and he said are you trying to find the trouble you are looking for before you finally step down there’s something you are looking for for you to finally say enough is enough I have done my best let me pass on the Baton for somebody else also
To continue the trouble you are looking for before you make up your mind yes to handle the Baton to the next person to continue the presidency of the people of Uganda the Lord is asking what you are looking for are you waiting for it to happen before you finally step down and resign that is a question for the president of Uganda you’re wearing musavani amen you have helped many people who are now ungrateful to you even someone to share your secret with
Is now a problem for you because your people are tired of your presidency amen the spirit of God says open your arms to the men and the women of God that I’ve been standing with you in prayer in Uganda amen those who have an ear should hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying amen for fellas the president of Congo too much witchcraft is projected towards
You and your presidency and that is why you’ve developed stomach ache and chest pain and difficulty in breathing sometimes ever since you became president I saw an issue between you your wife and your in-laws and your in-laws I saw an issue between you your wife and your in-laws but I can’t go into details with what the Lord showed me but the outcome was not pleasant but I can’t go into details because of your position amen praise the name of the
Lord amen you are surrounded with both physical enemies and spiritual enemies and there are so many demons that are surrounding you in fact there are too many demon spirits that are surrounding you they are more than my eyes can count amen and they have sworn they have sworn to fight you to the end the president of Congo so your battle is not only economical battle to help your people or
To deliver your people but your battle is equally physical and spiritual because the demons that have surrounded you and they have sworn to fight you to the end there are too many for my eyes to count in the Realms of the spirit amen the spirit of God says your presidency is not going the way you had envisioned for yourself and you are under a lot of pressure amen that is gradually leading you to the place of blood pressure amen blood pressure pains
In the chest sleepless nights and difficulty in breathing amen any prayer is not offered yes I am seeing a problem with your heart I’m seeing a problem with your chest that might end up in the hospital though things have been very tough since you resumed the seat of power the spirit of the Lord says next year 2023 yes 2023 will be a better year for you and for the people of Congo amen and I see some major
Financial doors I see some major Financial doors that open for you and for your people in the year 2023. amen what you do with these blessings in terms of development to your people is it’s up to you but you will have to seek prayer of protection for yourself first and you have to seek prayer or protection for yourself first because there is prosperity coming and there is a light about to shine upon you your
Presidency yes and the good people of Congo hey praise the name of the Living God Amen very very very important that the president of Congo take notice of this prophecy or this prophetic Revelation and does not take it for granted because your life depends on this word amen the spirit of God said you will be invited yes and specifically the invitation will come for funeral or a burial you will be invited it will be in the same country where you are Congo
You’ll be invited for a funeral you’ll be invited for a burial and if care is not taken you will be caught by a strange spiritual bullet on the funeral ground you will be caught by a strange spiritual bullet on the funeral ground and you will come back with a leg pain that will cost you a lot of problems to the point of doctors talking of even amputating your leg
And you will also return with a chest problem and difficulty in breathing so there is a trap the enemy or your opponents yes have said for you and this trap is not a physical trap so to say because the bullet is a spiritual bullet so it’s a combination of the physical invitation and the spiritual arrow on the spiritual bullet that will be directed towards you and therefore the Lord said I must give this word of caution to the president of Congo you
Pray very well amen when he is invited to attend the funeral of a beloved amen a funeral of a beloved if you feel in your spirit that you are not to go let somebody else represent you amen because there is this attack that you might not recover from that is waiting for you amen by your enemies amen those who have an ear let them hear what the spirit of the Lord he’s saying amen everywhere you go the
Fact that you are a president even before you became a president the Stars you were born with they always attract too much envy and too much jealousy a lot of insults are projected towards you and yet the ones that come to you are just little compared to the many insults that people hail that people release upon you and it is because of the Stars you carry envy and jealousy accompanies you everywhere you go
For the president of Liberia judge upon Weir that say yes the Lord that says the Lord there is no relief and there is no peace for your people as at now there is no relief and there is no peace for your people as at now next year I see a lot of Bloodshed in Liberia I see a lot of Bloodshed a lot of confusion a lot of fighting among your people The Cry of the people yes the Cry of the people because of hardship the year 2023 the Lord said it
Will increase amen it will increase the Cry of the people because of hardship yes lack of food yes will increase in Liberia in the year 2023 the Lord said to me your enemies they are increasing and they are piling up by the day and there’s too many conspiracy about you and your governance in Liberia so pray and seek the face of the Lord for divine protection and divine intervention amen before the year
2022 ends the spirit of God says the president of Liberia yes Mr George upon we are you must shave your hair amen you must shave your hair all the hair on your head you must shave it it is a prophetic direction that will bring blessings and peace and prosperity yes to you and to your governance amen you must shave your hair and begin the new year with a new hair growing on your head amen as your head begins to grow again in the new year so shall your
Blessings begin to grow again amen for you and for the people of Liberia amen the spirit of God opened my eyes and I saw in the realm of the spirit yes a tall man who was an opponent yes a tall man who was an opponent yes and this tall man called you before a strong Voodoo Idol he called you and someone your spirit before a strong Voodoo Idol yes because of political election to disfavor you before the people of
Liberia and to destroy your life and that is why in your dreams you see as though some evil spirits or some evil man wants to catch you and harm you and there are certain occasions also where in your dreams you see people that are already dead they come to you in your dream and it is because of this tall man yes who is an opponent political opponent and during the time of the election your presidential election yes
Someone you and invoked your spirit before a voodoo Idol in order for you to be disfavored before the people of Liberia even though the election has passed and you have won the election from time to time the spirits come around you and when they come around you you see it in your dream as though an evil wants to pounce on you pursuing you and the occasions where you also dream and you see dead people in your dreams amen and the allocation is
Also where you have these body pains you have headaches and you have this heat in your body including even stomach ache and it is all projected towards you in order for you not to find peace to rule your people amen that’s why if you shave off your hair before 2022 ends 2023 will begin with a new hair for you amen and that signifies a new season a new chapter
Amen and a new blessing for you and for your government good things are coming amen for you next year but you have to fortify Yourself by seeking the face of the Lord in prayer amen this one is for the people of Canada the Country Canada will receive a strange visitor in the year 2023 and this strange visitor that will visit the nation of Canada is not a mere visitor It’s Not a Human Being it’s a demonic
Spirit it is death itself it is death itself now to visit the nation of Canada in the year 2023 amen and the incidents that never used to happen in Canada in the year 2023 yes the people will begin to experience such incident strange happenings this visitor who is deaf and a highly ranked demonic entity in the Realms of the spirit that will visit the nation of Canada in the year 2023 yes will come
With sudden sickness people will fall sick suddenly people will become sickly suddenly the hospitals will be full of sick people people will report to the hospital of sicknesses and it will just happen suddenly and also there will be sudden death a lot of sudden death that never used to happen in Canada amen I saw blood said I saw confusion visiting the people of Canada because of the visitor that is coming yeah with death amen to
The nation of Canada amen and if the church and the pastors the men and the women of God the intercessors will rise up and pray as gate men and block this visitor from entering into Canada yes then the people of Canada will be safe from this Revelation that I have received amen but if not yes then there will be a lot of willing amen there’ll
Be a lot of Sorrow there will be a lot of tears and there will be a lot of Bloodshed in Canada the year 2023. amen the spirit of God says Mr trudia yes the prime minister of Canada there is a female cook you have or there is a female chef you have be very nice and extra nice and extra kind to this yourself or to this your cook amen be very nice extra nice to this your cook and to this yourself why the Lord said be very nice yes and with extra
Kind to this your cook I know it but I’m not going to put it out yes in the public but if you should come across this prophetic word then he to the voice of the most high God through his servant and be extra nice and extra kind so kindness your favor to your female cook amen and it shall be well with you amen a word to the wise it’s enough amen the reason you don’t sleep well at night
And you experience body aches is because they and if I said they I mean your political opponents yes they have invoked you before a very strong demonic altar yes of evil powers to attack you and to take you out of the office of a prime minister amen and the scripture the Lord said I should give you is in Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 amen an Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 Amen to 18. amen pray against chest pain and also pray against food poisoning the
Prime minister of Canada pray against chest pain and also pray against food poisoning the prime minister of Canada those who have an ear yes to hear what the spirit of God is saying to the people of Canada hallelujah amen so there is a president in West Africa amen this President I’m not going to mention the country yet yes I’m going to speak and prophesy in Parables amen this President is a president in West Africa
Amen and he is in his second term as president amen over this nation and this President is short in nature and dark in complexion amen in the realm of the spirit the Lord said there is a secret you are doing everything in your power to hide yes but the truth is only one amen I need to save you a lot of trouble if you come out on your own amen and find a way yes with damage control yes to bring this secret out amen because eventually
This secret is going to pop out amen and when it pops out the Lord said it will bring a lot of Shame and embarrassment yes to you to your family to your government amen and to your political party and he will go down in history as the most shameful and most embarrassed president amen that has ever LED this nation this particular country I am talking about yes the Lord said your president has been reduced to a puppet in the Realms of the spirit amen why he
Has been reduced into a puppet in the Realms of the spirit is because there is a lady friend of his there is a lady friend of he peace he had or he still has a relationship with yes this lady friend took an underwear of your president she took an underwear yes of your president and she used the underwear yes to invoke spells love spells and controlling
Spells to control this man and as a result this man has been tired before that demonic altar where this lady took her to so this man is not himself and that is why it is so very difficult for him to listen to advice yes it is so very difficult for him to see this is wrong and this is right and if I do this thing right I will find favor before the people and the people will be happy and the people who love me he can see it all right but he cannot perform his duty
Because he has been tied by this woman in order for him to be boring money and giving money to this woman so your president the law said has been reduced to a mere puppet he is not himself and the reason why he’s not himself yes is because even though he’s married he found himself in the arms of another woman amen and this woman has become his downfall amen this woman has become his downfall amen but whatever secret
Yes this president has yes it is going to pop out amen because they are very serious yes secrets that he is doing everything in his power to keep it a secret but the Lord said it is going to pop out amen it is going to come out he’s a president in West Africa he shot he’s dark and this is his second term ruling this country foreign [Music] now this prophecy is for the people of
Ghana the year 2023. amen this prophecy is for the people of Ghana in the year 2023 the Lord carried my spirit yes and he blessed me in the nation of Ghana whilst I was in the nation of Ghana I saw two entities yes the first entity I saw was the entity called wind the second entity I saw was the entity called fire amen and I saw these two elements Wind and Fire yes come together and when they came together there was an explosion yes and during this explosion
When the wind goes to the rights I saw the fire followed the wind to the right when the wind turns to the left I saw the fire followed the wind to the left when the wind goes up I saw the fire also climb up to the level of the wind and therefore that says the Lord to the people of Ghana the year 2023 the year 2023 yes prepare your fire departments because there’s going to be a lot of fire outbreaks which is not normal amen which will not
Be ordinary fire yes we should not be ordinary fire there will be Spirits behind this fire outbreak that will take place in the nation of Ghana the year 2023 they are demon Spirits yes behind this fire outbreaks amen in the year 2023 amen the market policies I saw caught fire I saw buildings including government buildings yes also caught fire in the year 2023 the law said in the year 2023 the people of Ghana should
Pray for love and unity amen love unity and peace among themselves for where there is no love yes there is no peace amen and when there is no peace it is difficult for Love To Rule and to render the people of Ghana should come together in the midst of the hardship and the difficulty that will come in the year 2023 yes pray for peace and also pray for love in the various communities and the Lord will help you and the Lord will fight for you amen hallelujah amen
Those who have an ear you should hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying to the body of Christ and to the nation of Ghana amen hallelujah amen praise the name of the Living God Amen now in the Realms of the spirit yes the spirit of God carried my spirit and he placed me in America amen and I was surrounded with two angels one on my right yes and one on my left yes and they began to take me through states by states in America amen and
Whilst I was traveling state by state in America yes the Lord opened my eyes and I saw what is going to happen in the year 2023 in America amen and what I saw is this I saw a lot of chaos amen I saw a lot of confusion and I saw a lot of people bringing out their guns and pointing at each other yes and I saw a lot of Bloodshed in America and the Lord said even even the president of America security should be tight for him Joe
Biden security should be tight for him because in the midst of this gunshots that I was seen from state to state in America the President should be prayed for and the President should be secured well in terms of physical protection amen so he does not get caught amen by a bullet amen by a bullet I also saw in the realm of the spirit a tall white
Woman yes who is very close to the president of America and the Lord said to me why the president of America yes sometimes have this body aches and heartache the pain in the chest and the frequent confusion especially when the chest pain comes like when he panics yes suddenly in the chest he goes a little bit off and Confused it is because this tall white woman who is close to the president of
America is using enchantment witchcraft yes using enchantment and Witchcraft to be which the president of America I will encourage each and everyone who is a son and a daughter yes to my Ministry yes if you are living in America then start the year with fasting and prayer amen started the year 2023 with fasting and prayer amen you’ve seen Psalm 23 yes and Psalm 91 yes and I pray that Lord the Lord God Almighty yes was
Sour upon your destiny in your life yes and not of your family and your relatives and your friends with Divine covering and divine protection and he will not be caught by any strange bullet and you will not find yourself in the midst of angry possessed men and women who bring out their God Amen and shoot the masses that the Lord will defend you yes that the Lord will protect you amen hallelujah 2023 might not be the year you will want
To travel to America because of what I see what I see is not pleasant amen what I see is not pleasant amen and the time has come for the church in America yes to rise up Amen to rise up amen and go before for God yes like in the olden days yes in prayer and intercession prayer and intercession yes prayer and intercession when Peter was caught he was in prison when the church got dead it was not a gathering of Bible study because at that hour it was only a time
For Bible study at that hour it was a time for serious intercession amen it was a time for serious intercession amen the church in America need to write to intercede yes otherwise America is going down spiritually amen if they have not already gone down spiritually amen the church need to rise up yes now when We Gather in church on Sunday yes it is not because we want to listen to the same old beautiful sermons but rather we want to go before God In Prayer Amen in
Prayer amen like the Wailing woman yes well before God travel before God when Zion traveled she brought forth she brought forth amen America cannot go down when America still has Believers amen Abraham asks the angel of the Lord yes if the Lord shall find even 15 people righteous people will he destroy the righteous in addition to the wicked and the angels of the Lord answered because of the 15 righteous people the Lord will
Preserve the land amen the Lord will preserve the land amen the church in America need to rise amen the church in America need to rise and go before God in serious intercession in a serious prayer and stop playing Church and stop playing church amen unfortunately when the monster also decided yes to supply America yes with profit from the continent of Africa to bring Revival yes to the people of America
Unfortunately one day also got there they got carried away by the culture and the system of America and the fire in them has died and they are also playing Church they are also playing check to please the masses to please the masses America rise up and pray amen and intercede for your nation amen and the Lord God Almighty who answered Elijah with fire yes would visit your nation with fire yes and take away the wicked and
Establish the righteous in positions of power and authority amen my God and my father amen where are the Elijah’s of America yes where are the elijahs of this generation yes in America where are the peters and the Paul who are not afraid of the physical death men who put on them yes but are ready to even give up their life in order for salvation to return back to their people where are the elijahs of Our Generation in the nation called
America I weep for you yes I weep for you and I Cry For You America yes rise up in prayer rise up and in intercession for when the wicked rules yes the people suffer but when the righteous rule yes the people are relieved and they are blessed hey you need to rise up and pray yes so all those wicked men and women who have occupied the position of power yes God can remove them by the will of the spirit and establish a governance
And a government of righteousness a church of righteous Christmas a people of righteousness those who have an ear should hear what the spirit of the Lord amen is saying amen hallelujah amen for the former president of Ghana John dramani mahama yes the spirit of God revealed to me and showed me in the realm of the spirit what is ahead of you in the year 2023 and 2024 and Beyond Amen in the realm of the spirit I saw an
Accusation in fact I saw a false accusation yes that was rising up and that was coming up in the realm of the spirit against you and the purpose of this false accusation is to ensure that you are defamed in your integrity is placed on the ground so you lose favor before the people of Ghana amen your opponents are saying in the realm of the spirit yes that they know very well they know very well that in 2024 yes when you stand
Against them during the election you will definitely win over them so what is the strategy they are coming up with the strategy they are coming up with is to ensure that they either eliminate you spiritually or they eliminate you physically and the spiritual part and aspect has already been done amen the spiritual aspect and the spiritual path has already been done and there are certain symptoms you see within your life and within your
Body yes and those symptoms I’m going to mention a signs of what spiritually has been projected against you amen as a result of this spiritual attack that has been released upon you the spirit of God said you have been having a lot of body aches body pains and it is not normal the pains you experience in your body are not just ordinary Pains of tiredness or fatigue it is as a result of demonic spirits that has been projected the Lord showed me and I saw
So many different different different different different kinds of altars yes and each and every one of these altars the Lord showed me that you have been someone before each and every one of them presidents yes before each and every one of them and the purpose is to ensure that they eliminate you spiritually because they know that the favor of the Lord is resting upon you for the next presidency amen and if they stand against you
During election they know definitely that they will lose so they have not resorted to spiritual attacks and that is why you have to surround yourself with prayer that is why you have to fortify yourself with prayer because your enemies or your opponents yes politically are not only looking for ways they can campaign yes to win the heart of the people they are also looking for Spiritual means yes what they can do to eliminate you
Surround yourself with intercessors surround yourself with pastors surround yourself with men of God they don’t even need to come to your home but they need to stand yes and offer prayer no matter how far they may be for the protection of the most high God yes will be very massive and will be very strong upon you there is a physical aspect of this attack from your opponent that will also come yes there’s a physical aspect now this is
What the Lord showed me and this is how this attack is going to come yes you will receive an invitation to attend a function to attend a program or to attend a meeting amen and this invitation you receive yes the Lord said it will be an invitation of death it will be a trap amen and they will make it look as though you bump into armed robbers and in the process of trying to steal or take something from you you were caught with
A bullet but it shall not be in the name of Yeshua hamashiach we decree and we declare Divine protection over you because apart from the fact that your family still needs you God still needs you amen and the nation of Ghana the good people of Ghana still needs you Amen to fulfill your mission and to accomplish what you have been anointed for Amen in the nation of Ghana and for the people of Ghana so be wary and be careful some of the invitations
That will come I saw in the realm of the spirit that you feel in your spirit you don’t have to attend it yes you don’t have to go personally yes but I saw a woman next to you now to pressurize you to say go go go and therefore the Lord said Don’t listen too much to a woman yes don’t listen too much to a woman yes that says the Lord and the word to the wise is enough you will live long Mr President amen you will fulfill your
Purpose Mr President and you stand for election in the year 2024 and you win the election the former president of Ghana for the former president of Ghana once again the spirit of the Lord said some of the invitations when they come yes and you have to honor them at all costs don’t go amen don’t go amen according to the time they are expecting you to arrive amen that is wisdom don’t go according to the time they are expecting you to arrive amen you can
Either decide to go after yes or before because of the Trap the enemy has set amen and the spirit of God says learn to be patient amen he says tell my servant yes to learn to be patient amen John dramani mahama he must learn to be patient amen he must learn to be patient yes and your patience will bring you Victory amen your patience will bring you Victory
Amen but you must also bear in mind that the year 2024 the election is going to be very Fierce amen the election is going to be a fierce contest yes I won’t use the word battle because it is not battle it’s a contest amen it is going to be a fierce contest and I pray that the aggressive side your aggressive side yes will come out amen will come out that God will give you the boldness of a lion yes in this Fierce contest
To also be fierce to also be fierce Amen to also be fierce hallelujah amen hallelujah hallelujah amen and amen for former president of America Donald Trump the spirit of God said bear it in mind yes that the election you lost to Joe Biden you did not lose the election through the ballot papers but you lost the election in the Realms of the spirit through spiritual means so many things
Happen in the Realms of the spirit that disadvantaged you yes that deemed your star hmm that caused you to lose the election amen and if you are coming back to contest again yes you must ensure that spiritually you cook yourself with prayer and you Empower yourself with prayer don’t wait until the last minute hour amen before you decide to surround yourself yes with prayer starting from now if you want to
Go back to the White House yes start cooking yourself with prayer because the people you are contesting with your opponents they do not take spiritual matters for granted amen some of the things they projected towards you is during the past election are still working against you physically in your body they are still working and fighting you physically in your body and the spirit of God said prayer must be offered for you against stroke yes
Against stroke and heartache prayer must be offered for Donald Trump against stroke and heartache including stomach ache including stomach ache the star God gave you as a president yes I saw the star returning back on your forehead but it is not signing and brightening the way it used to be therefore the Lord said I should tell you there is still hope if you will pray amen if you will look up to him there is still hope because your
Star has returned back to your forehead though the star is not shining and brightening the way it used to the star has return and that is a good sign yes and that is a good sign amen now this time the spirit of God says the level of opposition and attacks that is coming towards you it’s not only coming from your opponents amen but it is also within your own party amen I saw a slim white man in the Realms of the spirit that is
Saying this man is ahead of me amen and this man is more way more popular and way more famous than myself and so long as he lives it will be difficult for me to contest for the seat of president and they are cooking something against you what they are cooking towards you it’s a gift that will be presented in your home by a woman and the woman is smallish it will be given to a woman to bring to you in your home a gift of drink or food which you will take in and
It is containing poison it is containing poison poison and it will cost you problem it will cost you problem health-wise it will cost you problem health-wise so be very careful when certain things are presented to you which you have to take inside yes which you have to drink or eat be very careful amen otherwise you’ll be poisoned former president Donald Trump of America amen praise the name of the
Living God Amen the spirit of the Lord said your family especially your mother’s side of your family your mother’s side of your family there is an uncle in the realm of the spirit who is popping up in the realm of the spirit the spirit of God said be kind yes be kind to your mother’s relatives yes be kind to them especially if you have an uncle from your mother’s side who is still alive be very kind Amen to that Uncle and it will
Bring you favor yes it will open doors for you it will bring you favor amen my God and my father amen for former president yes Donald Trump once again yes I am seeing an issue that will rise up and it has to do with an accusation but it is a false accusation amen and it might even take you to court it might even take you to court amen I’m seeing it yes with four sides amen ahead of you a false accusation will arise against
You but the Lord said fear not amen fear not those who rise up against you will fall amen because that false accusation will not get anywhere it will not stand because it’s just to tarnish your image yes but it will not stand it will not harm you amen those who have an ear should hear what the spirit of the Lord yes is saying amen hallelujah amen for the president of Zimbabwe Mr Emerson monogangwa and for the people of Zimbabwe
That says the Lord I created you with greatness I created you to be honorable blessed anointed and favored to bring lights and relief to the people of Zimbabwe but the Lord said once again that your political opponents spiritually have closed your doors around you so the way your presidency was meant to flow and was meant to go it’s not the way it is going the way your presidency was meant to flow with
All the open doors and with all the promises that have come to help you your government and your people is not the way it is going but the Lord said yes I must give you this prophetic Direction open your doors amen open your doors or look for men of God look for men of God yes to stand between your gate or between your door and declare that from today I open my doors spiritually yes the doors to the nations of the world the doors to Aid to
Economic Liberation the doors to peace to healing of the land of Zimbabwe I open the doors just declared by faith in the realm of the spirit I open my doors yes my doors as a president I open them and the Lord said the year 2023 yes the light of heaven will shine upon you and it will shine on Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe will rise again and even you to your rise amen the spirit of God said I must mention this to you Mr Emerson monagawa the president of Zimbabwe he said be
Content with where he has placed you and not assume to say if you shall occupy this other position yes it will end better and it will be better for you no is that be content with where you are and I don’t know what I is the seat of the Subic region or the seat of the African Union or whatever I don’t know what you are envisioning to say if I should occupy that position it will be better but the Lord said no where he has placed you as a leader over the people
Of Zimbabwe concentrate on that one be content with that one amen and the glory of God will visit you and your people amen hallelujah the Lord said yes prayer must be offered yes prayer must be offered for peace amen and unity between the first lady amen hallelujah amen prayer must be offered for peace and unity between you and the first lady the Lord said prayer must also be offered for you against pain
That rises up from your ribs amen pain that rises up from your ribs and guests to your chest amen prayer must be offered amen and I offer that prayer for you that the Lord will touch you that the Lord will heal you yes and that the Lord will protect you Amen in the name of Yeshua hamashia amen amen and amen amen should you want to get in touch with my Ministry kindly visit my website www dot Elijah or www dot Fire Nation and you’ll find myths and ways to get in touch with my Ministry because most of the things the Lord has revealed to me some of them are way too sensitive amen for me to speak about them yes hallelujah amen so if you’re a leader of Any Nation and your message has come through this Altar and you feel there is more clarity you need and you want to get in touch kindly get to our website
You’ll find a way to send an email and get in touch with us and more details shall be given even if your message did not come you’re a leader of a Nation either in the financial sector the banking sector the farming wherever politician wherever businessman businesswoman sports Personality whoever you may be that you want to get in touch to know the mind of God concerning you your life your marriage your family kindly go to the website you’ll find our
Emails you email us we get back to you and we take it from there amen Fire Nation around a Ministry remains a place of giant solutions for giant problems subscribe to our channel for more notifications each time the video is uploaded Fire Nation who rests differently anointed differently the spirit of the Lord is upon me and my eyes are open Church in the realm of the spirit
The spirit of the almighty God carried me and placed me in South Africa and whilst I was in South Africa the Lord showed me a revelation a vision and in the vision I saw too much envy and too much jealousy against several ramaphosa the South African president and the spirit of the Lord said to me in the year 2023 the South African president Cyril ramaphosa will be invited outside of
South Africa he will be invited to travel outside of South Africa but he must pray very well about that Journey because that Journey he will make is between life and death the journey and the invitation he will receive to travel outside will be between life and death and the spirit of the Lord said he must pray very well very well the year 2023 about making a journey and honoring an
Invitation to travel outside of South Africa when he does make that Journey it is either he will be carried in a coffin back to South Africa or he will come back home to South Africa and die of food poisoning and die of food poisoning the powers that be on this Earth and in this Our Generation have set in their face against you sir they’ve searched their face against you
They’ve set their armor against you you have become their target and just us or search for Dr Kwame nkrumah was their Target and they succeeded in taking him out of power just as Gaddafi was their Target and they succeeded in taking him out of the power just as Robert Mugabe the former president of Zimbabwe was their Target and they succeeded in taking him out they have made you also their targets but by the grace of the almighty God
And by the anointing of the almighty God upon this Altar and upon my life we decree and we declare that your life will be preserved and they will not succeed and therefore be very careful in honoring an invitation to travel out of South Africa for a meeting or for a conference because it is either they will succeed in killing you and bring your coffin back to South Africa to come and bury you or you will come back to South
Africa and die of slow poison so be very very careful and be on the alerts and the spirit of God says they are using your own people they are using your own people and as it is now there are so many people that are agitating that are going here and they’re trying
To kick you out of power among your own South African people among your old ANC people among your own people in South Africa because they are buying into their ideology of the enemy of the African that when we set them against each other then we can succeed in afflicting them and being Superior over them so they will use your own people but little do your people know little do they know
That when they kick you out of power they have fought against themselves and when Cyril ramaphosa is kicked out of power before his time it is not only him who will suffer it is not only ANC who will suffer but the entire nation of South Africa will never be the same again mark my words the entire nation of South Africa will never be the same again and they will never recover
Just as it happened to Libya in South Africa play the game the enemy is playing the Babylonians are playing they will find themselves in a place they don’t like and they don’t want so be very very careful be very very careful I see in the realm of the spirit issues that are emanating issues that are coming up and one of the issues I saw that will be
Brought and labeled against the president of South Africa is that they will want to count the assets and the properties he had before he became president so in other words he will be labeled and accused of corruption and of stealing and that is one of the major attacks the enemy we want to use to bring this man down now sir you are my father-in-law because I’ve been
Married to a South African next year 2023 it will be 10 years of me being married to a South African so in other words you are family and you are my in-law so we are standing in the gap and I’m assuring you that together with my intercessors and my prayer warriors and the entire church we are going to be standing in the Gap to pray for you but on the condition that next year 2023 something else will arise again and when
It arise you must stand in the gap for the less privilege and when I say the less privilege I’m talking of foreign Nationals because the year 2023 I see a lot of groups will arise and once again xenophobia attacks will come up again will rise up again it will rise up again it will come up again and they will want to kick foreigners and foreign Nationals out of
South Africa which is not a problem because if people are living in your country illegally the law must take its cause but when it goes overboard and foreign Nationals are murdered called blood murder then it becomes a problem then it becomes a problem then it becomes a problem so this issue will arise again next year 2023 in South Africa xenophobia attacks will arise
Certain groups will come up very very very aggressively and they will say we want foreign Nationals out of our country we want foreign Nationals out of our country and I pray that you do not play the kind of role that will agitate the people the more encouraged the people the more to go out in the street and Target foreign Nationals who are working legally and have the right documents to work in South Africa because I believe that even
Here where I am and my country of bed and all over the world there are so many different South African male and female who are equally working making an income to take care of their family just as their other foreign Nationals who are living in South Africa making income to take care of their family the right thing should be done we are standing in the gap for South Africa in the name of Yeshua hamasia the son of the Living God now concerning
Rwanda concerning Rwanda even in Rwanda also in the year 2023 unfortunately that is what I am seeing and it is better to be prepared than to be taken unaware it is better to have a prophetic alert and put your home in order a call for intercessors to rise and pray Hallelujah so in the realm of the spirit what the Lord showed me concerning Rwanda is that in the year 2023 there is going to be chaos confusion and people
Are going to rise up with arms and people are going to rise up with guns and there will be some sort of confusion and Chaos between people of the same nationality in Rwanda but the Lord said Paul kagami Paul kagami there are two men that are by his side that are working with him now these two men have not only resorted to use spiritual means in taking him out but they have also given him over to assassins and
They have pointed fingers you say this is the man we are talking about this is the man you are to Target so you have become a Target and the Lord said when you are going out or you are entering into a room or wherever even if you are driving you should neither be in the front nor be in the back you should always be in the center in the middle because you are a Target not only when you are driving even when you are entering into a conference Hall even
When you are entering into a room you should not be the first in the front you should not be the last at the back you should always be in the center because they are assassins they appointed you too and they want to take you out why because of the leadership position you occupy you have become the I and the Envy of the people so most people are pointing fingers at you and they wanted the chair you are sitting on
I pray that the Lord will preserve you and that the Lord will protect you in the name of Yeshua hamashiach the son of the Living God Amen praise the name of the Living God for Sierra Leone and its president Julius Madara in the realm of the spirit your people are complaining bitterly and they say you are mean and they say you are wicked but the spirit of God says I should tell you to be patient if you are patient
Your presidency will reach where it’s supposed to reach so the prayer for you is patience patience patience and you will get what you want but in the year 2023 and Beyond the Lord said prayers should be offered and Care must be taken why because I saw a conflict like a coup d’etat like an overthrow
Like an overthrow like an overthrow of government and if I say government I mean Julius madad the sitting president of Sierra Leone so put your house in order put your house in order put your house in order because when there is an assassination and a coup d’etat it is not only the person who is the Target that suffers but the entire nation suffers
Whenever there is an overthrow of government the entire nation suffers the entire nation suffers so put your house in order and put the proper measure the proper security in place otherwise I saw arms I saw people fighting I saw people fighting in Sierra Leone I saw people fighting confusion in Sierra Leone in Sierra Leone so prayer should be offered and Care must be taken in the
Name of Yeshua hamashiach the son of the Living God hallelujah concerning my own beloved Nation Zambia concerning my own beloved Nations I saw I saw fire I saw fire dancing I saw fire dancing and when fire dances it leaves chaos behind he leave chaos in his tracks when fire dances I saw fire dancing I saw fire dancing in Zambia in Zambia
And in the year 2023 if prayer is not offered we’ll hear bad news concerning fire outbreak specifically in the nation of Zambia that will shock people that will surprise people massive fire outbreaks 2023 in Zambia but we lift up our hands in prayer and we stand in the Gap and we intercede for the nation of Zambia that this fire that is about to befall the nation and cause havoc cause massive wealth to dwindle
To be destroyed we pray that the spirit of the almighty God who contain will contain this fire outbreak in the name of Yeshua hamasia the son of the Living God and we also pray for the first man of the land usually I don’t speak about Zambia and I don’t prophesy about Zambia but we just have to stand in the Gap
Because so long as I believe that so long as I am here in Zambia I have become a Gateway and I’ve become a Watchman that if there is evil that is coming and we don’t pray about it then we have not done Justice to the land that has accommodated us and there’ll be so many occasions where the church stands together with me and we pray but this one before it comes I am saying it ahead of time so we shall
All come together as children of the light and stand in the Gap and pray for the nation of Zambia I have said it when PF was in power and when Edgar lunga was in power I said that so long as I still remain a servant of God in the land of Zambia no sitting president will ever die in this land again I stopped it I stopped it I stopped it and I’m still stopping it that no
Sitting president will be attacked by the powers of Lucifer and die in power as a president why I’m saying this is because the spirit of the Lord said to me that in the year 2023 stand in the Gap and offer prayer for the sitting president because there is a demonic stomach attack that will strike him in the early hours of the morning between three and four in the morning between three and four in the morning very early hours of the
Morning and the purpose of this demonic stomach attack is to ensure that Zambia most but we stop it in the name of Jesus Zambia shall not mourn a sitting president so long as I remain a servant of God the oil on my head is a covenant of life it does not allow people to die around me and therefore so long as I remain in this land no sitting president will be buried and no sitting president will die in the name of Yeshua hamasia my Lord and My Savior My Lord and my
Savior but Zambia get ready and prepare for fire outbreaks in the year 2023 shalom shalom God bless you the rest of the message that I have God willing and by the grace of God either 31st December during our cross over service I will deliver these messages all the first Sunday which is the first of January I will deliver the rest of the messages it is not an easy matter it is not an easy matter for me in
Particular anytime I stand before you to speak about Nations to speak about leaders of Nations and what is about to take place in different nations the weights the weights of the oil that comes upon me makes me physically weak the Bible said John said when I saw the angel of the Lord I became weak and I fell at his feet I fell at the feet of the Angel and the angel came and touched me and strength entered into me and I stood on My Feet
Again so in the prophetic realms this is how it is the heaviness of the oil that comes to sit upon the prophet when he begins to speak by the time you finish speaking physically the body becomes weary the body becomes weary and that is why this year in particular the numerous messages I have received I have patting them part one part two and there will be part three God willing God bless
You if you have not yet subscribed to my Channel fire one TV today is the first time I’m saying this quickly go and subscribe and also support our ministry by the end of the year 2023 I’m expecting to have more than 200 subscribers God bless you for supporting us and God bless you for standing with us shalom shalom peace is worth hearing [Music]