Via one TV raised differently anointed differently by the grace of God every year God gives us messages to different Nations or to the body of Christ to prepare the body of Christ of what is coming and we have been enjoying this grace in our church so many years have come we have been
Enjoying this Grace by the grace of God the year 2023 I have received some messages for the body of Christ to prepare the body of Christ all over the world because then in the year 20 23 in the cost of next year I’ll be coming with a lot of updates monthly updates as God will give to me and as God will lead me to give what we should expect in every month if it is the will of God and it comes praise God but if he doesn’t come I won’t force myself to say
What God has not said but if he comes like it happened this year every month there will be prophetic updates praise the Lord and before I go into the prophecy I also want to say a big God bless you and a big thank you to the body of Christ all over the world because I had said these prophecies were going to be fulfilled in 2022 the one I gave in 2021 on the 12th of December I said it was going to be fulfilled and
The body of Christ will help me with the confirmations when they see it happen when they see it confirmed they should please alert me that what you said has happened what you said has happened what you said and I’ve had people all over the world who just come to confirm who just come to confirm some come on Facebook some come on WhatsApp some come on Instagram all the various social media platforms I’ve had people come to confirm to say
What you said has come to pass and I want to say a big God bless all of them the body of Christ all over the world and this particular one I’m about to give concerning 2023 also please when you see it happen and you see it manifest be kind enough to get to our prayer lines or any of our social media platforms to alert us that it has happened
Hallelujah and then also very important not every prophecy must be fulfilled do you know why do you know why not every prophecy must be fulfilled because some prophecies are dangerous and when the people who receive the prophecy pray and they fast and most importantly they tend their heart from wickedness and they repent there is every probability that God will not
Allow the prophecy if it is judgment to be fulfilled like in the case of Jonah and the people of Nineveh when they repented God forgave them and the Calamity Jonah prophesied will happen to them God changed his mind and God diverted it and it never happened it doesn’t make it a false prophecy do you understand it takes a matured Christian to understand the ministry of the prophets that if it is going to happen especially
When the prophet has a track record a track record of so many fulfilled prophecies and he says this thing is going to happen to this nation or to this individual and they repent and they pray and God forgives them and it doesn’t happen it doesn’t make the prophecy false prophecy do you agree with me child of God because there’s so many Biblical scriptures you can use to support this notion Hallelujah so 2023
2023 world prophecy the mind of God or what God has shown his servant that is going to happen in the year 2023 and Beyond Fire Nation Arena Ministries remains a place of giant solutions for giant problems subscribe to our channel for more notifications each time the video is uploaded Fire Nation Grace differently anointed differently the hand of the Lord was Heavy upon me and I was carried in the realm of the
Spirit and whilst I was in the realm of the spirit the Lord revealed to me what is going to take place in the year 2023 and Beyond the spirit of God said to me give this message to my people to the body of Christ all over the world he said train and equip pastors for the last Harvest but not only to
Train but also to prepare a place where they can call home the Lord said to me many pastors will be persecuted by the Illuminati and the secret society that are in Covenant with the dragon and the pastors and many believers will run to certain mega churches for shelter for covering and also for assistance for help but they will hit a
Dead end and because they will hit a dead end because I saw in my vision those churches are 10 to Rebels and gutters so there was a contention or there was a battle in the realm of the spirit in my vision and the secret society and the Illuminati group had come out openly to confront those
Who have taken a stand for Christ and the church and because of the level of Confrontation which led to many people being persecuted being arrested and being beaten I saw a lot of pastors young pastors old pastors matured pastors and some believers running to certain mega churches certain big churches to look for help to look for shelter to look for assistance to look for covering but when they got to
The churches there was no church building what I saw in the realm of the spirit was a collapse of church buildings which had turned to Rebels and which are turned to gutters you know the way gutters are for you to cross from one side to the other you have to lift your leg you have to raise your leg meaning that the buildings had collapsed had come down and there was a dead end and people could not find their way out whether to
Go back to where they are coming from or to stay where they were which was a dead end and therefore the spirit of God said tell my people tell my people to prepare a place a place of shelter for the body of Christ because many pastors will run away from their place of Abode and they will look up to certain pastors and certain renowned churches and Men of God for assistance and therefore if these renowned men of God and these mega
Churches if they don’t put the right measures into place and the right time comes for them to assist and help the body of Christ there will be no help for the body of Christ to be helped so the Lord said I should tell the church to equip to equip to equip pastors and the body of Christ [Music] the spirit of God showed me in my vision and I saw a certain man of God who is a head
Pastor of a church in Ghana called Perez Perez Archbishop or Bishop agin asare the Lord said prepare the body of Christ especially pastors prepare them and I also heard in the realm of the spirit I also heard a name like anakazo anakazo and I know there is a pastor called the keyword Mills also in Ghana who has a bible school called anakazo the Lord said you should prepare prepare his people many
People will come from many nations not only in Ghana many pastors who come from many nations and I don’t know what is about to happen in the realm of the spirit but the Lord said prepare because there’s going to be an influx of a lot of pastors and the reason why God is bringing them to you to prepare them is because of the last harvest in this end time that says the Lord the spirit of God said pastors should be more united
Than they have ever been the body of Christ and specifically men and women of God pastors we shall come together and we should be more united than we have ever been in the year 2023 the true Saints in every nation must come together and form various associations of pastors and Christians to fight and defend each other to fight and defend each other hmm the truth says the true believers
In every nation the spirit of God said we shall come together and form various pastors Association in every nation and the purpose is for us to stand together fight together and defend each other because the End Time battle has begun and we are going to see it manifest more in the year 2023 the End Time battle has already begun and that is what
The sons of the Dragon are doing they are united they have secret societies all over in almost every country and the purpose is to ensure that they are united they stand together and they fight the church so the spirit of God says men of God pastors should form pastors Association in every country and the purpose is to support fight and defend one another because the End Time battle
Has already begun [Music] the Lord said to me Satan is gathering his own and a lot more of the youths the young men and the young women it shall come out in the open that a lot of young men and young women would declare their stand they would declare their stand in the year 2023 that they belong to Lucifer that they belong to
Satan that they belong to an occult group that they belong to a ritualist group it will come out in the open it will not be a secret society anymore it will not be a secret society anymore and we shall come to know publicly and openly those who are parts [Music] of the devil’s Army and you will not be surprised you will not be surprised
And therefore it will be us against them it will be us Christians against them it will be them who are from a team who are from an association against us who are the children of the light and in the body of Christ and in the year 2023 we are going to witness this we are going to be witnesses to this type of scenario where the sons of the enemy will declare their stand to say it is us against them and it will not be hidden anymore and
They will not be shy anymore but they will come out in the open and say we belong to Satan we belong to Lucifer you people say you are Christians you people say you are not it will be us against them scenario in the year 2023 as the Lord revealed to me so many churches will be attacked in various countries many churches will be attacked many Christians will be attacked many Christians will become victims
Because of their faith in the Lord Yeshua hamashiach the son of the Living God in the realm of the spirit I attended a football match I attended a football match in the realm of the spirit and the match was between the nation of Zambia and the nation of Ghana and the atmosphere surrounding this match was very very very very high there was so much tension to the point that the heart of the people were so
Boiled up people were agitated people were on the edge people were angry people were anxious though I did not see the end of the match who won and who scored but as I was taken in the realm of the spirit to the stadium and the match was being held in zambians the match was being held in Zambia and the Ghana Black Star team were in their white Justice the tension was so high and I saw it in the realm of the spirit the year
2023 or Beyond praise the name of the Living God Amen this present World Cup the spirit of God said to me I was not part of it I was never part of it because the sons of the enemy the ismailites and the Babylonians he said they had taking over the world cup and they have used the World Cup as means to propagate their agenda and their mission and therefore I am not surprised the fact
That God did not openly reveal to me who was going to win the World Cup and even as I said I did not see any Prophet all over the world that came out openly to predict or to prophesy who was going to win the World Cup because in the first place the Lord God Almighty was not part of it he removed himself out of it praise the name of the Living God Amen in the realm of the spirit I was taken to the court of heavens
And whilst I was in the court of Heaven I saw two Arc angels and these two archangels presented a gift to Ghana to Ghana the first give the presenter to Ghana was a shoe that was blue in color very very very blue deep blue in color and it was a shoe that was very big they presented a shoe now in the realm of the spirit a shoe represent Direction a new
Season a new chapter praise the name of the Lord amen as the angels of the Lord presented this show to the nation of Ghana the spirit of God ministered to me and said favor was returning to Ghana and this shoe was presented in the month of November to the nation of Ghana in the Realms of the spirit now the second Angel also came with a similar shoe it was blue in color but this time the shoe was very very small like the size of a four-year-old
Child or a two-year-old child very very very small and as it is currently as I’m speaking to you today is the 18th of December today is the 18th of December the currency of Ghana had risen very very well and the economy of Ghana is beginning to work very very well and recover and I believe that is the gift the Lord God Almighty revealed to me that his angels we’re presenting to the nation of Ghana and the fact that the second gift that was presented to Ghana
Was way way way way too small then the first one that was given to the nation Ghana means that the year 2023 yes the dollar will rise again amen and the city will fall again and the economy of Ghana will suffer again and the people of Ghana should get ready and embrace themselves because how they are ending the year 2022 it’s not how they are going to end the year 2023 Amen in terms of their economy things are going to get tough
And things are going to be difficult once again economically for the nation of Ghana and praise the name of the Lord amen in Nigeria concerning Nigeria a lot of people have sent me message man of God prophesy about Biafra man of God prophesy about the election in Nigeria and what not yes it may be my desire to prophesy about the election in Nigeria next year or next two years or even prophesy about
Biafra where the prayer requests that have been sent on my videos on fire one TV but unless God speaks to me I cannot speak on my own that is why in this Our Generation I am one of the few prophets that have unprecedented fulfilled prophecies because I don’t prophesy out of my feelings I prophesy only when God allows it to give me the message to speak to the nations of the world Amen so on this very day the hand of the Lord came so heavy upon me and
The spirit of God carried me in the Realms of the spirit amen whilst I was in the Realms of the spirit yes the grace of the Lord opened my eyes amen and as my eyes open in the realm of the spirit yes this is what I saw concerning the nation called Nigeria amen I saw a port I saw a port like a flower pot like a flower pot and the height of the pot reaches to my waist
Very beautiful pot but as I looked intently at the Port I realized that half of the pot was clear and the other half of the pot was made of gold and I look carefully and I said what is this not I am seeing as I look closely I realize that the port was covered with Darkness and that is the nation of Nigeria because the port was representing the nation of Nigeria and the port was covered with Darkness half clay half
Gold and all of a sudden an angel of the Lord stood by my side and when I look at the angel the angel was holding a water pipe that which they put in the pipe to wash the cars right now the angel of the Lord was holding something like that and I saw the angel of the Lord Direct the water pipe which was in his hand and I saw water coming out and it was directed towards the half clay and the half gold flower vase or
Pots now as the angel of the Lord began to water this spot and realized that the water washed the clay the water washed away the clay amen and therefore the pot was divided into two and I said to myself surely now that the other half has been washed away by this water this angel had poured on the flower vase definitely definitely this pot is going to fall and this golden beautiful vessel I am seeing is
Going to break but to my surprise the flower pot became so firm and so solid on the ground it did not fall to the ground it did not fall to the ground and the Lord said to me son are you seeing what I’m showing you and I said yes I can see that even though half of the flower vase or the flower pot had been washed away The Clay Pot has been washed away the other half is still standing and I’m surprised that it is even more solid than it was before
And this time it was no more in the darkness but rather it was in the light amen and the spirit of God yes carried my spirit and I began to move in the realm of the spirit in Nigeria and I saw the people of Nigeria yes very very relieved very very happy I saw the military I saw so yes who were so excited who were so happy I saw civilians and some men I saw women they were overjoyed and they were over happy because a new season had come
And it was a season of the golden flower vase amen my God and my father my God and my father even new babies even new babies that were born the very day they were born they were giving birth to I saw in the realm of the spirit The Joy the peace The Pride that surrounded them to be born in a nation called Nigeria it was an awesome sight and therefore there is a new season coming for Nigeria amen there is a new
Chapter coming for Nigeria Nigeria is about to move from Darkness into the light amen and whatever clay that is representing the Lord which is not supposed to be yes God is going to wash it away amen God is going to wash it away with the spirit of the almighty God With the Wind of the almighty God Amen and there is going to be a new season and a new chapter for Nigeria now whether this prophecy concerns this election that is about to take place in
Nigeria or it is concerning Nigeria being divided into two I don’t know but as I have seen yes so have I spoken amen how the mighty has fallen the Lord said to me how the mighty has fallen the Lord said to his servant amen I heard these words in the realm of the spirit and he said how the mighty has fallen someone very Mighty will fall in Nigeria in the year 2023 and the Lord said it is because it is his time amen it is his time it is
His time amen how the mighty has fallen and it is not because the mighty will stumble upon a stone and fall it is because he will build farewell to this physical world Amen he will bid farewell to this physical world someone very Mighty someone very prominent somebody that is well known all over in the nation of Nigeria the year 2023 he will beat farewell and how the mighty has fallen the Lord said to me praise the name of the living Yahweh amen
Fire Nation Arena Ministries remains a place of giant solutions for giant problems subscribe to our channel for more notifications each time the video is uploaded Fire Nation Grace differently anointed differently the Lord said 2023 there’s going to be food shortage in China there’s going to be food shortage in China if you are recording you must probably be a journalist to record
I see people recording praise the Lord oh 2023 there’s going to be food shortage not only in China but the global world will suffer from food shortage not say as the Lord they will arise a revolution in China a revolution in China the world arise a revolution in China so if they are believers in China I will encourage them to pray for their nation and to pray for their government so peace can Prevail between the
Governments and the people otherwise I see 2023 next year a chaos Revolution chaos confusion in China the Lord said to me in the year 2023 there will be a lot of politicians who will be exposed there shall be an Exposed on a lot of politicians and many will come under Fire and many will lose their positions which will also cost a lot more instability
In their countries because the position they occupy when it becomes vacant the people who will come and replace their position they will have a lot of work on their hand to do to repair the harm that has been caused by the people they have replaced praise the Lord I see in the year 2023 I see conflict in the Middle East conflict in the middle is specifically between Israel
And Iran between Israel in Iran I see conflict and I see missiles being fired being fired Israel and Iran will go ahead to head in terms of conflict they will go ahead to head in terms of conflict and we pray that God will give us peace in the year 2023 even though we don’t see peace we pray that God will give us peace in the year 2023 especially between Israel and Iran
The law said in the year 2023 we should expect worldwide Revolution not only in China worldwide Revolution where the masses will rise against their governments the masses will rise against their politicians the masses will rise against those who are doing very well very very well the masses will rise against them and worldwide there will be revolution not only in China there will be worldwide Revolution
The spirit of God said migration once again will be on the rise and this time it will be more than 2022. because in the year 2021 I spoke that there will be a lot of migration and there was and there is still even now even now as I’m speaking that prophecy is still playing it’s still playing because I saw on the news that this coming week America is expecting a lot of influence of migrants they are waiting they are
Expecting I don’t know where they are coming from but from beginning of 2022 when this prophecy came we have seen a lot of migration issues but the spirit of God said in the year 2023 it will even be more than 20 22. it will even be more migration will be on the rise and I see a lot of resentments a lot of resentment against migrants there will be a lot of resentment in these nations that will
That will have more migrants there will be a lot of resentment against their Nations if I am to put it right there will be a lot of xenophobia okay if I’m to put it right for you to understand it there will be a lot of us against them it is our country it is our nation why is our government not giving us this benefit and this treatment and they are giving it to the foreigners there will be a lot of those kind of attacks in
Different nations against a lot of migrants against a lot of migrants say yes the almighty God listen to this one the Lord said people have come to this point of becoming very worried anxious and they are on the edge expecting a third world war because of the war between Russia and Ukraine the Lord said assure
My people assure them encourage them and let them understand that the world will not suffer from another world war assure them that the world will not suffer from another world war so this is good news for the world especially for the body of Christ the world will not suffer from another world war which will become a third world war because they’ve been a first world war there’s been a second world
War and this one that people have been on the edge because of Russia the NATO and Ukraine the law said assure them it is not going to happen they will not be third world war no matter the matter they will not be dead World War not a good amen China will eventually move from a communist state to a democratic government and the gospel of Yeshua will spread like wild
And many will be saved many will be saved many will be saved even in a place like China the liberty and the freedom we are enjoying in our country and a democratic atmosphere of governance the law said China there is going to come a time they will move from a communist state to a democratic state in the church will benefit and the church will be blessed this one may or mind not happen immediately but Market it is going to
Happen eventually the law said tell them it is coming before the second coming of Yeshua the gospel will reach every corner of this Earth your amen can be better [Music] foreign the Lord said in 2023 there will be an attempted coup to overthrow the Russian president very very important put it down
There will be an attempted coup or attack to overthrow the Russian president so if you love Russia and if you love your president put them into prayer to avert and divert this cool to attack the government of Russia to attack the government of Russia
Once again once again once again this word I received it once again and as he came I put it down on this iPad once again the Lord said a lot of boxes will be opened in 2023 concerning politicians concerning politicians a lot of boxes Secrets will come out and one of the countries specifically the Lord mentioned is America so there will be a lot of tension
In America 2023 in the political atmosphere of political Arena because a lot of boxes of Secrets will be open about politicians certainties they have done in the secret will come in the open and need to create a lot of tension in America the year 2023 South amen remember When Donald Trump won his election
Russia was heavily accused of interfering in the election and that is the reason why I do not trap won that election for which reason certain gadgets and documents were even seized in investigating this matter right good in the year 2024 if it is 2024 that America will have the election it will come up this time not Russia it will come up that China China will be accused of interfering in
The political election of America just as it happened to Russia in the days of Donald Trump [Music] Hallelujah I said Hallelujah the Lord showed me and I saw a lot of civil unrest a lot of civil unrest this year what we have witnessed is that rampant gunshot right rampant gunshot and they have had
Problem of gun control but this year in particular has been something else for America the year 2023 the year 2023 it is not good for America so if you are planning to relocate to America next year I will plead with you to pray about it very well before you take your passport to travel to America because I see a lot of unrest I see a lot of unrest in the streets of
America I see a lot of what and rest in the streets of America and this issue they have had with gun control is even going to get out of hand because when this unrest comes into the street people will take matters into their hands and guns will be fired guns will be fired in America praise the Lord the Lord showed me and I saw Panic
Selling public buying and selling Panic buying and selling specifically in America and some parts of Europe and those who are in the real estate business the value is going to fall the value is going to fall specifically in America and some parts of Europe and people will enter into a panic sale give away kind of sale quickly before they eventually lose the
Value of their real estate America and some parts of Europe thank you for that amen the Lord said America will suffer from inflation the almighty America whose dollar is controlling the economy of majority of our African countries they are going to suffer from inflation and no wonder they are real estate business one of the major money making businesses in America will
Fall they will suffer from inflation the year 2023 and notice this when America whose dollar is managing most of our economies in Africa right when they are influencing force it means that it will become a worldwide problem it should become a worldwide problem so next year is equally not a good year next year is equally not a good year and I can say next year might even be worse
Than the year 2022 next year in terms of hardship in terms of hardship or will it be worse than the year 2022 except that those who are in the kingdom and of the Kingdom the grace of God will work for them and will make a way for them your amen can be better your amen can be better Hallelujah those in the cryptocurrency business the cryptocurrency is going to make a lot of
Loss in the year 2023 and the reason why I took my time to pray about it is because when the world prophecy came last year a lot of people always come to us talk about the cryptocurrency talk about the crypto business and whatever the law said the year 2023 those in the crypto business will make a lot of loss will make a lot of law so if you have
Money in the crypto business this is the time for you to take it out and invest somewhere else because there’s going to be a problem a loss in fact in the crypto business in the year 2023 amen if you should take your money from the crypto business one will ask what is the direction where should we invest the law said if you surely invest you have money and you should invest and you make dividends
Then invest in agricultural land invest in agriculture and also invest in Oil Business invest in Oil Business and farming agriculture Hallelujah there will be very high demand for oil in 2023 those who invest will not make a loss but rather they will make profits right those who will invest in Oil Business oil and petroleum business the law said
They will not make a lost but rather they will make profits the reason being that there will be a very high demand for oil meaning next year there was going to be shortage of oil fuel right so don’t be surprised you wake up in the morning there is a huge Queue at The Filling Station or you switch on the news you are watching the news and there is a huge kill people have killed because there’s no
Fuel for one week they’ve not managed to get fear for their cars and they cannot move their car than to go and kill and wait until they get fuel expected next year and therefore those who will invest in Oil Business they will make profit they’ll make dividends because it would be in high demand Taiwan USA and China I saw a conflict once again I saw a conflict on the sea that has to do with a submarine that has to do with a submarine
It’s like one of these countries among these three countries is like one of them provoked the other by firing by firing whether it was a mistake or it was deliberate it provoked a conflict and I saw it in the Realms of the spirit and there was a submarine involved on the sea the Lord said the year 2023 there will be food shortage there will be food shortage
So prepare yourself okay prepare yourself those of us who are in the Kingdom the lord always takes care of his own and this time he will still take care of his own again but there will be food shortage in the year 2023 there will be riots and demonstration in the streets worldwide everywhere almost every day almost every month when you tune on the news you hear Riot strike demonstration Riot strike
Demonstration if there’s going to be food shortage mostly South America South America will suffer a lot from this food shortage and that will also provoke a lot of riots a lot of demonstrations and a lot of migration running away for a better life in most developed countries but everywhere they’ll be running away
To they also will have problems of food shortages he the Lord said Babylon Babylon will experience a lot of flood and also a lot of fire outbreaks in 2023 Babylon do you know the country I’m referring to as Babylon you know pray about it God will teach you I saw a dumb that broke
I saw Adam that broke and there will be spillage of massive water massive water I saw Adam that broke and there will be spillage of massive water I also saw a collapse of a tower in the USA a collapse of a tower in USA New York pray against a crush like a quake that is how I receive it and that is how I will say it a crash like a quick New
York city in America the Lord said the people in Florida should pray against oil spillage the people in Florida they should pray against oil spillage that will spill and destroy or your spillage an airplane carrying very important secrets will disappear and go of the radar in 2023 an airplane carrying very important secrets will disappear and go off the
Radar but eventually they will find it Say Amen eventually with time they will find this airplane and when they find it that is when they will realize why probably it had to disappear because of the importance of the secrets it was carrying [Music] Ghana just like the great Babylon has been reduced to mockery because it
Leaders mock the most high the church and Yeshua and the god of Heaven your leaders are gradually walking in the steps of Babylon by trying to decide for the Church of Jesus Christ and oppress the prophets in the country of Ghana you have tried to turn the hearts of the people against the church and my servants intimidating arrest and
Imprisoning my servants lgbtq is not a matter that should even go as far as Parliament to be discussed in Ghana says the Lord my hand has been against you I know what you have done behind the scene but if you will turn your hearts from your wicked ways and repent and seek my face as you did before I put you into power
Then he shall be well with you and I the Lord I shall bless you and your people Will Rejoice because of your governance say as the Lord and this is for Ghana the Lord said the matter of the Sodom agenda is not something that should have even gone as far as the parliament to be debated and to be voted on in a nation like Ghana and the Lord said
He knows what they have done behind the scene and that is why his hand has been heavy against them and when the hand of the Lord is against the government it is the people they will rule over that suffer scripture says when the wicked rule the people suffer when the wicked rule the people suffer the Lord said if you turn your heart from your wicked ways and repent he will visit you and he will bless you
He will visit you and he will bless you that is what the Lord is saying concerning the nation of Ghana but if not your people will continue to suffer hardship chaos and confusion Ghana again the Lord said pray against the Antichrist who is planning to come into power to rule as the president pray against the Antichrist who is planning to come into power to rule as a president it is not
Only the church that will suffer from his wickedness but the ordinary Ghanaian who does not agree with him will equally suffer it will be as though democracy has departed and Military government is in power once you disagree you’ll be punished there will be recession worldwide 2023 there will be recession worldwide 2023 [Music] the law said because life is going to get very very unbearable
There will be a lot of movements once again there will be a lot of movements in the name of migration because of the level of hardship and inflation in different countries and the Lord said as you encourage the youth on the continent of Africa and not only Africa alone and all other parts of the world Everywhere You Are because of the level of hardship that will come the shortage of food and high inflation and whatnot the law said we
Should go into farming take advantage of the land take advantage of what the land the countries that depend on other countries to export farm products for their people before they can eat they should learn and Empower their farmers [Music] to go into farming and the Lord will see them through if you are a youth on the continent of Africa next year 2023
Things will be so hard that you wish you are in Europe you wish you are in the Arab countries you wish you are in America or even Asia the Lord said I should encourage you go and get yourself into farming within the shortest period of time because they will be shorted your food and what you have what you have in the name of food products will be converted into money because the world will demand what you
Have and what you carry unfortunately the conflict between Russia and Ukraine the year 2023 it will Linger on it will continue unfortunately it has brought a lot of hardship to various economies of the world the lord said it will continue so if there is any prayer you will have to pray pray for the conflict of Russia and Ukraine it means you have been guided right it
Means you have been guided and you have been elected if you are to pray pray for divine intervention for this war to come to an end because 2023 I saw this war grinding on and on and on and on and on without expiring um Putin will eventually lose his grip on power in Russia because there are two things two attacks that are projected towards him number one attack which I’ve already mentioned
Is an attack of an attempted coup d’etat not only on him as a person but the overthrow of the entire government that is what could determines it is different from attempted assassination a coup d’etat is different from assassination so that is the first attack the second attack is a sickness that is projected towards him that will eventually make him lose his grip on power sickness that will attack the Russian
President and we pray for the Russian president that the hand of protection will rest upon him and that God will help him and see him through Say Amen family say Amen Israel will strike the nuclear science of another country Israel will strike the nuclear site of another country the country is here but I’m not going to mention it
Because I am LED not to mention it 2023 the law said illegal illegal illegal migration to Europe and America will be on the rise especially from South America and Africa because of food shortage and High Cost of Living and Corruption by Dirty politicians if you watch there’s a lot of repetition of migration migration migration migration so when it happens please
Quickly alert me that it is happening illegal migration to Europe and America and I’ve already given the solution to some of this problem take advantage of the land if you have money come together invest in the oil business oil and petroleum business you will not go wrong I had prophesied one of the monthly prophecies I saw a problem that affected the banking Technologies the technology that the bankers use and I said it was going to
Affect the banks the ATM cards the credit cards and whatnot right and it happened in America and it happened also in Canada a few weeks after that prophecy who is a witness here God it happened just as I said in the year 2023 I see a problem that will once again affect almost the whole world’s technology in 2023 something that will come to affect the whole world’s technology I don’t know how it’s going to happen but when it
Happens you know that this is what the servant of God spoke about [Music] very important the Lord said to me between 2024 between 2024 to 2026 right between these two year interval 2024 2025 2026 this is two years intervals right the law said there will be a new world Council A New World Council will rise
That will be similar like the United Nation hmm A New World Council will arise and their oppression will be similar like the United Nation or like the European Union they will come together they will come together the law said in 2023 we shall see Mass looting shops will be broken into
A lot of things in the shop will be taken away Mass looting must protest mob attacks in the streets and some politicians will be used as Escape goats the law said Sweden you have been enjoying the peace of Yahweh over the years but now the enemy wants to take away your peace I see a lot of social unrest in the nation of Sweden I see a lot of strike protests and I see a lot of violent
Attacks in the nation of Sweden so the Christian body in Sweden carry your nation into prayer and pray for peace to Prevail over your nation because the enemy has set his face in Sweden in Sweden the law said in the year 2023 and Beyond there is going to be an expose there’s going to be an exposure on the United Kingdom concerning
Brexit brexit that cause Theresa May to resign as prime minister which I prophesied many months before she resigned right good there’s going to be an expose on brexit and I foresee them trying to rejoin the European Union which will eventually also fail again eventually fail again most European countries will suffer from economic hardship
And migration problems in the year 2023 most European countries will suffer from economic hardship European countries so if you are in Africa you believe that Europe is better and you are moving there than you might as well change your mind and find something better to do in your own country that will give you dividends and profits praise the Lord Ireland will also have problems or collapse of their housing markets which
Is the real estate business Ireland will have a lot of problems and issues concerning their real estate business or housing market and they will equally also have problems with food shortage in the year 2023 say Amen in Greece the Lord said pray pray for grace and turkey relating to migrant issues so they don’t go log ahead or they don’t go against each other these two countries
Like Zambia and Congo the sheer border pray and I don’t even know whether Greece and Turkish about that but I believe they see your mother the Lord said pray for these two countries Greece and Turkey concerning migrant problems migrant issues in France in France the Lord said there will be more violent protests in France due to economic hardship and shortage of food the people
Of France there will be more economic hardship and shortage of food macron the French President I saw him reported sick on the news in the year 2023 and we stand with him in prayer that the Lord will help him that this sickness will not lead to death it is the type of sickness that will cause a lot of concern to the point that it will be reported on the news the French President macron but we stand in the Gap and we pray for Divine Healing and we
Pray for divine intervention say a better amen in Germany also there will be a lot of political unrest so virtually next year something is going to happen that most countries most countries will perceive to be better developed Nations most of these countries there’ll be a lot of issues and a lot of unrest unrest so take a note please and this is concerning Germany as well the same
Happens to France the same happened to Greece Sweden Ireland America Germany is also here Germany is also here in the year 2023 you hear it in the news most of the European Union countries they will come together to want to Legal ganja it will not be a crime anymore if you are caught with weed right as a test now it is a crime cocaine and weed you cannot go through the airport with
Those days so most countries will try to legalize it and it is all because inflation will create a lot of problem for most countries food sorted will create a lot of economic problem for most countries so most of them will now have a change of mind in certain things that they know money can be derived from right so when you see it in the news remember that we saw it ahead of time before it came in Italy
In Italy they will Allah [Music] in Italy those in the illegal drug business their markets will go very high especially in Italy they call them the mafias because they are mafias I don’t want to talk much about them so they don’t come and Mafia me but their business will be on the rise
A lot because nothing will almost seem to be working so people will find other Alternatives where money can come from and therefore some politicians and some businessmen will even invest their money there so it will be very high on the rise and I know this one is not connected to anyone in this church but since we are a global Church God has to give us this message right it will be on the rise in Italy in Italy they lost that there will be a
Scandal on drug there will be a scandal there will be a focus on drug illegal drug an illegal business that is bringing in money there’ll be a lot of focus on it you’ll hear it on the news the Lord said to me to me once again in Italy another Scandal will hit the Vatican the Vatican the Vatican is the headquarters of the Catholic church
Right another Scandal who hit the Vatican and it will be in connection with money laundering or Bank it’s a scandal that will hit the vertical and it will come out in the open the Lord said to me once again in Italy they are going to enforce a law most African citizens who are living in Italy those who have documents and those who
Do not have documents both of you your stay in Italy will come under heavy attack next year because they will focus on their own because of the level of food shortage and economic problems they will want to focus on their own so other migrants who have come to infiltrate and stay among their people they will try to find ways and means to clear them it’s going to happen in Italy
Is it clear good and after Italy takes that step I foresee most European countries in the EU in the European Union also following the same footsteps trying to take out migrants to go back to their country even when they have issued them citizenship but they have a criminal record they want to take them out deported them back to their own country
[Music] in Spain in Spain I’m going to do a part two a part two probably the first week of January I don’t know when God will allow me I’ll do a part two of this where we also concentrate on most of the African countries and give the mind of god of what to expect in 2023 is that okay God God God we are almost done we are almost done even if we are not done I
Will end here we continue again because I’m almost about to collapse too much standing [Music] in Spain there’s going to be equally chaos in the streets in Spain specifically in Barcelona the Lord said pray for these people because I saw violent demonstration when we talk about violent demonstration we are talking of the crowd against the police the crowd against business owners
Looting beating arresting so I saw that happening in Spain specifically in Barcelona or Catalonia he said it’s almost the same and then also I saw in the realm of the spirit 2023 a problem that had to do with the ship on the water a problem that had to do with a ship on the water last year I had prophesied of a suicide train attack and it was in two phases right you remember they attacked the train attack was in
Two phases and it happened exactly the way the Lord showed me exactly that one day a train suffered two different attacks in Nigeria and the confirmation is on fire one TV in the year 2023 I saw a huge ship on the sea almost about to seek almost about what to think almost about to sink but our hands are lifted and we offer prayer Say Amen our hands are lifted and we offer prayer
That wherever this is about to happen now to cause lost of life that will be submerged in the sea and in the water and die and their bodies can never can never even be retrieved to be buried and to be honored we pray that the Lord will intervene we pray that the Lord will intervene and rescue us will come on time and they’ll rescue the people even in Jesus mighty name Hallelujah
[Music] amen let’s an entity I will continue another day Hallelujah please when you pray pray for me especially this week this many hours have stood on my feet I don’t know how many days it will take my body to recover When you pray do say a prayer for me thank you so much, God, bless you without you being in this church there was no way I would have managed to speak the way I spoke so thank you and God
Bless you see you on Wednesday a poster Dr Elijah Kofi King is worth hearing about foreign